How To Make Blue Switches Quiet? [Get To Know All Ways in 2023]

Blue switches are a type of mechanical keyboard switch that are known for their distinct “clicky” and tactile feel when pressed. The noise produced by Blue switches is a result of the switch’s internal mechanism.

When you press a Blue switch, a metal spring inside the switch is compressed, which causes the stem of the switch to move downward and connect with a metal contact plate. As the stem moves downward, it passes a small plastic component called a “click jacket,” which clicks against the stem and creates the distinct “click” sound.

In addition to the click sound, the movement of the stem also creates a second type of noise, which is caused by the stem hitting the bottom of the switch housing. This noise is often described as a “clack” or “thock” sound and is a natural consequence of the switch’s design.

Overall, the noise produced by Blue switches is a byproduct of their mechanical design, and while some people may find the sound annoying, others enjoy the satisfying feedback provided by the clicky and tactile feel of the switches.

How To Make Blue Switches Quieter?

If you find the noise produced by Blue switches to be too loud or distracting, there are several ways to make them quieter. Here are a few methods:

1. O-rings Method

One popular method for reducing noise is to install O-rings on the stems of the switches. O-rings are small rubber rings that can be placed around the stem of the switch to dampen the sound of the stem hitting the bottom of the switch housing. O-rings can be purchased online or from specialty keyboard stores and are relatively easy to install.

how to make blue switches quiet

Here’s how to install O-rings on your Blue switches:

  • Purchase O-Rings: O-rings can be purchased online or from specialty keyboard stores. They come in a variety of sizes, so make sure to choose O-rings that are compatible with your switches.
  • Remove Keycaps: Before you can install the O-rings, you’ll need to remove the keycaps from your keyboard. Use a keycap puller or a small flat tool to gently lift the keycaps off the switches.
  • Install O-Rings: Once you’ve removed the keycaps, you can begin installing the O-rings. Take an O-ring and place it around the stem of the switch, just below the keycap mount. You can use your fingers or a small tool to press the O-ring into place.
  • Reinstall Keycaps: After you’ve installed the O-rings on all of your switches, you can reattach the keycaps. Make sure that each keycap is aligned correctly before pressing it down onto the switch.
  • Test The Switches: Once you’ve reattached all of the keycaps, test the switches to make sure that they’re working properly. The O-rings may change the feel of the switch slightly, so you may need to adjust to the new sensation.

Overall, installing O-rings is a quick and easy way to make Blue switches quieter. While the sound reduction may not be drastic, it can make a noticeable difference in the overall noise level of your keyboard.

2. Switch Dampeners Method

  • Another option is to install switch dampeners, which are small silicone pads that can be placed inside the switch housing. Switch dampeners can help to reduce the sound of the switch stem hitting the contact plate, as well as the sound of the click jacket clicking against the stem.
  • The Switch Dampeners method involves inserting small rubber O-rings onto the stem of a mechanical keyboard’s blue switches.
  • These O-rings absorb the impact of the switch as it bottoms out, reducing the noise produced when typing. The result is a quieter typing experience without sacrificing the tactile feedback of the blue switch.
  • To apply this method, simply remove the keycaps, place the O-rings onto the switch stems, and reattach the keycaps. This technique is commonly used by those who prefer a quieter mechanical keyboard or who share a workspace with others who are sensitive to noise.

3. Lubrication Method

  • Lubricating the moving parts of the switch can also help to reduce noise. You can use a thin layer of silicone lubricant or a dry lubricant like PTFE powder to reduce friction between the stem and the switch housing. Lubricating the switches involves applying a thin layer of lubricant onto the stem, spring, and housing of a mechanical keyboard’s blue switches.
  • This reduces the friction between the switch components, resulting in a smoother and quieter typing experience. Lubrication can be done using specialized switch lubricants or thin oils, but it requires a careful application to avoid over-lubricating or getting lubricant on other components of the keyboard.
  • This method can also affect the tactile feedback of the switch, so it’s important to choose a lubricant that matches your preferred typing feel.
  • Lubricating switches is a popular technique among keyboard enthusiasts who want to customize their typing experience for maximum comfort and reduced noise.

4. Soundproofing Method

  • If you’re willing to make a larger investment, you can also consider adding soundproofing material to your keyboard or using a soundproofing mat under your keyboard. These options can help to reduce the overall noise level of your keyboard. Soundproofing is a technique used to reduce the amount of noise produced by mechanical keyboards, including those with blue switches.
  • This method involves placing sound-absorbing materials inside the keyboard case to dampen the sound of the switches as they bottom out. Materials commonly used for soundproofing include foam, rubber, and acoustic panels. The effectiveness of this method depends on the quality of the sound-absorbing materials used and the amount of space available inside the keyboard case.
  • While this technique can significantly reduce keyboard noise, it may also affect the overall feel and typing experience. As such, it’s important to consider the trade-offs between reduced noise and typing performance before attempting to soundproof a mechanical keyboard.
  • Keep in mind that while these methods can help to reduce the noise produced by Blue switches, they may also alter the feel of the switch. If you’re unsure which method is right for you, consider trying out different options before making a final decision.

5 Benefits Of Making Blue Mechanical Switches Quieter

There are several benefits to making blue mechanical switches quieter:

  1. Improved Focus: Quieter switches reduce the amount of noise and distractions in a workspace, allowing for better concentration and focus.
  2. Increased Comfort: Quieter switches are less fatiguing on the hands, reducing the risk of injury or strain.
  3. Better Communication: Quieter switches make it easier to communicate in a shared workspace, reducing the risk of disturbing others.
  4. Customizable Typing Experience: Quieter switches allow for customization of the typing experience, allowing users to tailor their keyboard to their specific needs and preferences.
  5. Versatility: Quieter switches make mechanical keyboards more versatile and usable in a wider range of environments, including public spaces, libraries, and shared workspaces.

I like Cherry Blue For Typing But Need A Quieter Key For The Office

If you like the tactile feedback of Cherry Blue switches but need a quieter key for the office, there are several options you can consider:

  1. Cherry MX Brown Switches: These switches have a tactile bump like Cherry Blues but are much quieter due to their reduced click sound.
  2. Cherry MX Silent Red Switches: These switches have a linear feel with a soft landing pad, making them much quieter than Cherry Blues.
  3. Rubber O-Rings: You can add rubber O-rings to your Cherry Blue switches to dampen the sound when the switch bottoms out, making them quieter while retaining their tactile feel.
  4. Lubrication: Applying a thin layer of lubricant to the switch components can reduce the friction and noise of the switch while maintaining its tactile feel.
  5. Soundproofing: Adding sound-absorbing materials to the keyboard can help dampen the sound of the switches, making them quieter in a shared office environment.

Ultimately, the best option will depend on your personal preferences and the requirements of your workplace. It’s important to test different options and find the one that provides the right balance of tactile feel and noise reduction for your needs.

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