How To Desolder A Keyboard? Desoldering Like A Pro! [2023 Updated]

Desoldering a keyboard refers to the process of removing the solder that connects the electrical components of the keyboard to the circuit board. This process is typically done when someone wants to modify or replace a particular component on the keyboard, such as a switch or an LED.

To desolder a keyboard, one would typically use a desoldering tool, which can either be a manual pump or an electric vacuum pump, to heat the solder and remove it from the circuit board. Once the solder is removed, the component can be removed or replaced as needed.

Desoldering a keyboard can be a delicate process, as too much heat or force can damage the circuit board or the components. It is important to follow proper safety procedures and to use the appropriate tools and techniques to ensure a successful desoldering process.

What Tools Are Required For Desolder A Keyboard Switch?

Here are the tools that you will typically need to desolder a keyboard switch:

how to desolder a keyboard
  1. Soldering Iron – to heat up the solder and remove it from the switch’s connections.
  2. Desoldering Pump Or Desoldering Braid – to remove the molten solder from the switch’s connections.
  3. Tweezers – to hold and remove the switch from the keyboard once it’s free from the solder.
  4. Wire Cutter – to cut the leads on the new switch to the correct length.
  5. Solder – to attach the new switch to the circuit board.
  6. Flux – to facilitate the flow of solder and ensure a strong connection.
  7. Soldering Stand – to hold the soldering iron securely when not in use.
  8. Safety Goggles – to protect your eyes from any debris or solder that may fly off during the desoldering process.

It’s essential to use the appropriate tools to ensure a successful desoldering process and prevent any damage to the keyboard or the components.

How To Desolder A Keyboard Switch?

Desoldering a keyboard switch involves removing the solder that holds the switch in place so that it can be replaced or repaired. Here are the general steps for desoldering a keyboard switch:

  1. Gather the necessary tools and materials. You will need a desoldering pump or desoldering braid, a soldering iron, and new switches if you plan on replacing the old one.
  2. Open the keyboard case and locate the switch that needs to be desoldered. You may need to remove other components or keys to access it.
  3. Heat up your soldering iron to the appropriate temperature, usually between 350°C to 400°C.
  4. Place the tip of the soldering iron on the solder joint that connects the switch to the circuit board. Heat the joint for a few seconds until the solder melts.
  5. Use the desoldering pump or braid to remove the melted solder from the joint. Place the tip of the pump or braid over the melted solder and release the trigger or press down gently. The pump will suck up the melted solder, or the braid will absorb it.
  6. Once the joint is free of solder, gently wiggle the switch to release it from the circuit board. If it doesn’t come out easily, you may need to reheat the joint and repeat the desoldering process.
  7. Repeat the process for any other switches that need to be desoldered.
  8. Once you have desoldered all the switches, you can replace them with new ones if needed.
  9. Finally, reassemble the keyboard and test the switches to ensure they are functioning properly.

Note that desoldering can be a delicate process, so it’s important to take your time and be gentle to avoid damaging the circuit board or other components. Additionally, make sure to use proper safety precautions, such as wearing eye protection and working in a well-ventilated area.

Why Would You Want to Desolder Your Switches?

There are several reasons why you might want to desolder your switches in a keyboard:

1. Modding

You may want to modify your keyboard by replacing the switches with different types or brands to change the typing experience or to make the keyboard more suitable for your needs.

2. Cleaning

Over time, switches can become dirty or dusty, which can affect their performance. Desoldering and removing the switches allow you to clean them thoroughly before reassembling the keyboard.

3. Repairing

If a switch is malfunctioning or not working at all, desoldering it from the circuit board can allow you to replace it or fix any issues with the switch’s connections.

4. Customization

Some keyboard enthusiasts enjoy customizing their keyboards by changing the color of the switches’ LEDs or adding custom keycaps. Desoldering the switches are often necessary to make these modifications.

Desoldering your switches can give you greater flexibility and control over your keyboard, allowing you to customize it to your preferences and improve its performance.

However, it’s important to be careful and take proper safety precautions when desoldering switches to avoid damaging the keyboard or its components.

Desoldering A Key Switch Using A Cheap Solder Sucker

Desoldering a key switch using a cheap solder sucker can be a bit tricky, but with the right technique and some practice, it can be done successfully. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Heat Up The Solder

Using a soldering iron, heat up the solder joint that connects the switch to the circuit board. Apply the soldering iron to the joint for a few seconds until the solder melts and becomes liquid.

2. Apply The Solder Sucker

Quickly move the solder sucker over the liquid solder, and press the button to activate the suction. The solder sucker should suck up the liquid solder, leaving the joint clean and ready to be desoldered.

3. Remove The Switch

Once the joint is clean, gently wiggle the switch to release it from the board. Use a pair of tweezers to pull the switch out once it’s free from the board.

4. Repeat The Process

Repeat this process for each switch that you want to desolder. It may take some practice to get the timing right and effectively use the solder sucker, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work perfectly the first time.

5. Clean The Board

After all the switches have been removed, use a brush or compressed air to clean the board of any debris or leftover solder.

Overall, using a cheap solder sucker can be an effective way to desolder key switches from a keyboard, but it may not be as precise or efficient as other desoldering tools. If you plan to do a lot of desoldering or need to remove switches from a more complex board, you may want to invest in a higher-quality desoldering pump or braid.

What Is The Difference Between Solder And Desolder?

  • Soldering and desoldering are two related but opposite processes that involve manipulating the connection between two or more pieces of metal using molten metal. Here’s the difference between soldering and desoldering:
  • Soldering is the process of joining two or more pieces of metal by melting a filler metal, called solder, and applying it to the joint. The solder cools and solidifies, creating a strong, permanent bond between the pieces of metal. Soldering is used in a variety of applications, including electronics, plumbing, and jewelry making.
  • Desoldering, on the other hand, is the process of removing solder from a joint to separate the pieces of metal. This is usually done when replacing or repairing a component, such as a switch or a resistor, on a circuit board. The desoldering process involves melting the existing solder and removing it with a desoldering pump or braid, allowing the component to be removed without damaging the circuit board. Once the component has been replaced or repaired, new solder is applied to the joint to create a new connection.
  • In short, soldering is used to join pieces of metal together, while desoldering is used to remove solder to separate components or pieces of metal. Both processes involve melting and manipulating molten metal, but they have opposite effects on the joint between the metal pieces.

What Precautions Does Someone Need To Take While Desoldering A Keyboard?

Desoldering a keyboard requires working with high temperatures and potentially hazardous materials, so it’s essential to take the following precautions to ensure your safety and prevent any damage to the keyboard or components:

1. Wear Safety Goggles

Solder can splatter or fly off during the desoldering process, so it’s essential to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.

2. Work In A Well-Ventilated Area

Soldering fumes can be toxic, so make sure you work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling them. If you’re working indoors, use a fan or open a window to increase airflow.

3. Use A Soldering Stand

When not in use, place your soldering iron on a stand to avoid accidentally burning yourself or damaging the desk or work surface.

4. Handle The Soldering Iron Carefully

The soldering iron can get very hot, so be careful not to touch the tip or any other part of the iron with your bare hands. Always use the stand to hold the iron when not in use.

5. Use A Desoldering Pump Or Braid Correctly

Be careful when using a desoldering pump or braid to avoid damaging the circuit board or components. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and practice using them on a scrap piece of metal before attempting to desolder your keyboard.

6. Be Gentle When Removing Switches

When removing switches from the keyboard, be gentle to avoid damaging the circuit board or other components. Wiggle the switch gently to release it from the board, and use tweezers to remove it once it’s free.

By following these precautions, you can desolder your keyboard safely and effectively, minimizing the risk of injury or damage to the components.


To desolder a keyboard, you will need a few tools, including a soldering iron, desoldering pump or wick, and possibly a soldering stand. Start by heating up the solder on the first switch you want to remove with the soldering iron. Then, use the desoldering pump or wick to remove the melted solder from the switch’s terminals.

Repeat this process for each switch you want to remove, making sure to keep track of which switch goes where. Once you have removed all the switches, you can replace them with new ones or modify your keyboard as desired. It’s important to work carefully and patiently to avoid damaging the keyboard or the switches.

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